Evaluation Design
Developing Relevant and Useful Evaluations
Our team of evaluators has expertise in all areas of evaluation design including program development, logic modeling, and grant writing.
Program Development
Program model development is a critical first step in the development of a strong grant proposal and evaluation design. Our process involves delving into five key components:
Long-Term Impact (What is the overarching goal?)
Situational Statement (What do you see as the problem, causes, and consequences that define the need?)
Strategies and Activities (What are the categories of strategies and activities you hope to use to address the cause of the problem?)
Outputs (For each activity, who, what, when, where, how?)
Outcomes (What changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills, awareness, or motivation do you expect to see?)
Logic Modeling
A logic model creates a graphical depiction of the logical relationships between the resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes of a program. Using information gleaned from the program model development meeting, our team of evaluators creates a logic model to guide grant development. For implementation, the logic model has a built-in feedback loop to provide timely and useful information to stakeholders for informed decision-making on needed changes in program activities. Short-term performance indicators will assess progress toward long-term outcomes. Annual benchmarks are established and embedded in outcomes.
Grant Writing
The evaluation section of a proposal describes how the program will be evaluated, how the outcomes and impact will be measured, and how program results will be disseminated. Our team has expertise writing SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) goals and objectives, evaluation plans aligned to the program design, rigorous impact studies, and detailed evaluator qualifications, biosketches, and CVs. TEG assists in the writing of the evaluation section of grant proposals and other stand-alone projects to ensure evaluation activities align to the program design and answer questions most useful to funders and stakeholders.